
Derayah Financial Announces the Occurrence of an event to Derayah REIT

Derayah Financial, the fund manager of Derayah REIT, sets forth dividends distribution policy for the fiscal year 2019G, as follows:


First Dividend: Distribution amount will be announced on 1st April, entitlement date for dividends distribution will be 15th April, and payment date will be 30th April.

Second Dividend: Distribution amount will be announced on 1st July, entitlement date for dividends distribution will be 15th July, and payment date will be 31st July.

Third Dividend: Distribution amount will be announced on 1st October, entitlement date for dividends distribution will be 15th October, and payment date will be 31st October.

Fourth Dividend: Distribution amount will be announced on 1st January, entitlement date for dividends distribution will be 15th January, and payment date will be 30th January.


This event has no impact on the financial performance of the fund.