
Derayah Financial Announces Q1 2020 Cash Distribution for Unitholders of Derayah REIT

Derayah Financial announces Q1 2020 cash distribution for unitholders of Derayah REIT as per the following:


Type of Distribution: Cash distribution


Profits Maturity Period: The entitlement of cash distribution at the closing of trading on 15/04/2020G shall be for the unit holders registered in the register of the Securities Depository Center


Total Dividends: SR20,060,000


Number of Outstanding Units on which Cash Dividends will be Distributed: 107,507,305


Amount of Profit Distributed per Unit (SAR): 0.187


Percentage of Dividend to the Unit’s Initial Price (%):



Percentage of Dividend of the Net Assets Value (%): 2%


Percentage of Dividend of the Net Assets Value as of: 2019-12-31 Corresponding to 1441-05-05


Eligibility of Cash Dividends to the Unitholders as per the Unitholders Registry as of: 2020-04-15 Corresponding to 1441-08-22


Dividends Payment Date: Cash distribution will be paid within 12 working days from the entitlement date, on 03/05/2020G


Additional Information: Further, the Fund Manager would like to remind the unitholders to update their details with their banks to ensure a smooth payment process.